"automatic books presents THE BOOK AFFAIR, the two days of independent art publishers fair that will take place in venice on june 2nd and 3rd, in the occasion of the press preview days of the 54th venice art biennal.
THE BOOK AFFAIR gathers together some of today’s most interesting independent publishing projects, with the aim to open a new public discussion on the book as a mean of research and artistic production. in the last years, we have witnessed the flourishing of independent publishing projects, and seen a network of new editors be born, followed by new types of libraries specialized in this market niche and subsequently by a specialized network of distributors. for this reason, THE BOOK AFFAIR includes a series of public lectures and conferences whose aim is to investigate the reasons why this new editorial nouvelle vague has exploded and which scenarios we ought to expect for its future developments.
more than 40 publishers all over the world will take place to THE BOOK AFFAIR, whose new books released and projects realized will be subjects of daily discussions and presentations."
we'll be there with our previous releases and some fresh baked things (+ playin' some records on thursday nite). so please do come along and say hi.