DANDIES PLAY IN OFFICE TIME/ 3" cd-r/ limited edition: 50 copies
jun 2010
IT-EU-UK-US-elsewhere/ 6.50 EUR postage paid/
visual night dreams, tactical landscapes and dirty beats. this is what the music of wolther goes stranger brings to mind. he's one of italy's best kept secrets, laying low just above the surface ready to scar whenever unleashed. he's toured the filthy neighborhoods of new york and shared stages with common minded acts. picture a manic dandy banging on a broken piano, crossing synthetic beats with walls of gaze-pop electro. at the end of the tunnel you can almost see a faint light of romanticism. live the duo bring out prepared percussions, synth house, textured vocals and create sparks with an electric drill. this ep was composed over the course of the last few years and is a subtle form of escapism into the world of wolther goes stranger. think xiu xiu meeting tiga in a 50's strip club -- myspace.com/wolthergoesstranger
playing filter (the sookie's game)
the impatience of being dandy
so sad
you thought i was fag by the way i moved my hands
artwork designed by/ tomm -- umanuvem.blogspot.com
// flickr.com/photos/umanuvem/sets/72157624236539886